The Monroe lamella plate Vertical Clarifier is designed to provide low cost, efficient solids removal from a wide range of waste and process liquids. The inclined plate design allows the total gravity settling area to be as much as ten times more than the actual floor space occupied by the clarifier. Integral chemical mixing and flocculation tanks are available, as well as options for enhanced sludge thickening.
Solids Removal for Water/Wastewater: up to 10x Total Gravity Settling Area
This unit is typically used to remove solids from industrial waste and process waters. For municipal treatment plants, they are often used to clarify and remove solids from sand filter backwash water and other filtration processes.
Optional equipment includes skimmer, drag conveyors, chemical treatment, flocculator, thickener, and control panel.
- Inclined plate lamella type separator
- Efficient removal of solids (TSS, TDS, metals, etc.) from liquids
- Extremely low space requirements
- Minimum maintenance
- Low installed costs
- No moving parts in settling area
- Capacities from 1 to 2,000 GPM
Monroe also offers versatile Horizontal Plate Clarifiers which utilize cross-flow parallel plate technology capable of removing floating contaminants as well as settleable materials.

Vertical Plate Clarifier installation, stainless steel construction with integral thickening tank, support structure, and access platform
Laminar Inclined Plate Clarifier Design
The Monroe Vertical Clarifier is designed to remove solids from wastewater and other process liquids. The Flash Mix and Flocculation Tanks (optional) allow for the addition of chemicals and polymers that will aid the settling process — adjusting pH to precipitate dissolved solids and/or enhancing the agglomeration of suspended particles into heavier, more settle-able floc. The liquid is fed from these tanks into the clarifier through the inlet chamber, which directs flow into the separation section.
Increased Flow and Reduced Footprint
The liquid then enters the lower area of the laminar plates through side slots which distribute it across the entire width of the plates. Particulate settles onto the face of the plates and slides down to the clarifier bottom. The clarified liquid exits the plate sections through weirs at the top of the unit which are designed to develop and control adequate pressure drop, maintaining laminar flow through the plates. The clarified liquid then flows into the effluent chamber and out of the clarifier.
Settled solids collect at the bottom of the pyramid sludge hopper and are removed from the clarifier. A Sludge Thickener (optional) with rake mechanism may be utilized in place of the pyramid hopper when applicable.
The unique, modular design of the Monroe Parallel Plate Vertical Clarifier allows for easy removal of individual laminar plate modules from the clarifier for inspection.
Designed for Your Specific Clarifier Application
Monroe Inclined Plate Vertical Clarifiers are carefully engineered to meet the specific requirements of each application. Well proven design criteria assure maximum performance of each clarifier. The design provides for easy field installation, fast start-up, and low maintenance costs.
Options to Enhance Efficiency
While many installations provide adequate solids removal without influent pre-treatment, optional mixers and flocculator tanks are available to enhance efficiency when required. Some solids must be flocculated to achieve adequate mass to be effectively removed. Monroe Parallel Plate Vertical Clarifiers are manufactured in two different plate inclinations; the 45° clarifiers are designed for removal of heavy solids while the 55° clarifiers are designed for light solid removal applications.

Materials of Construction and Optional Components
- Pilot vertical clarifier rental
- Disc filter backwash clarifier
- Landfill leachate clarifier
- Installation of (2) clarifiers
- FRP construction with cover
- Sand filter backwash at WTP
- Vertical Clarifier w/ thickener
- Launder, mixer, drive access
- 1,000 GPM w/ pyramid hopper
- Shop assembly before shipment
Recent Projects
Vertical Clarifier Applications
Resources & Literature
Recent Case Studies
Water | Vertical Plate Clarifier Removes Mercury & Humic Acid
A company that produces testing and measurement equipment needed to remove solids containing mercury and acid fines from their incoming process water stream.
Water | Lamella Clarifier Retrofit
Rebuild of two underperforming Lamella Clarifiers to address the stresses of elevated liquid temperatures, and internal structural and process deficiencies.
Water | Vertical Clarifier for River Water
Lamella-type Plate Clarifier is providing the same amount of settling capacity as a 12-foot diameter Circular Clarifier.