The Monroe Horizontal Plate Clarifier is one of the most versatile clarifiers available on the market. Because the unique Monroe parallel separator plate design effectively separates both settleable solids and floating materials, the Horizontal Clarifier can be used in place of a circular clarifier for nearly any application. This allows for significant cost savings and reduced space requirements versus traditional clarifiers. These advantages have made the Horizontal Clarifier the best-selling clarifier offered by Monroe over the past 50+ years.
Inclined Plates Removes Suspended & Floating Materials
Monroe Parallel Plate Horizontal Clarifiers are specially sized for each application. Monroe Environmental will evaluate your fluid and determine design parameters for your particular installation. Your Parallel Plate Horizontal Clarifier will then be constructed to provide the most economical and efficient liquid clarification to meet your needs.
Advantages of Choosing a Horizontal Plate Clarifier
- Simultaneously removes both floatable and settleable contaminants unlike traditional inclined plate vertical clarifier designs
- Non-clogging, cross-flow parallel plate design
- Mild steel, stainless steel, FRP, or polypropylene construction depending on application and pH
- Filter media not required
- More efficient than coalescing media for most applications
- Reduced capital, operating, and maintenance costs vs. other clarifiers
- Capacities from 1 to 2,000 GPM
- Rectangular clarifier design can be used in place of larger, more expensive circular clarifiers
Monroe also offers traditional upflow Lamella Plate Vertical Clarifiers for the removal of suspended solids.
Horizontal Plate Clarifier Capabilities
- Oil Recovery — Separated oils, process fluids and other floatable materials are guided to an accumulation area for easy removal and reclamation. An adjustable pipe skimmer or a Monroe Oil Skimmer can be included to remove these elements.
- Pyramid Hopper Construction — Typical design for most applications, especially when flocculants are required. Often recommended for non-draggable solids (see above).
- Heavy Solids Removal — Where the dirt load is heavy, a screw auger or drag conveyor may be included (see below) to provide continuous removal of settled solids from the bottom of the clarifier.
- Chemical Treatment — The Monroe Parallel Plate Horizontal Clarifier can include a pre-treatment process as an integral part of the basic clarifier. This aids in the separation of dissolved solids, very fine particles and emulsified oils that tend to remain suspended in water or process fluids. A chemical treatment tank and/or flocculation chamber can be added to allow pH control and mixing of emulsion breakers and coagulants into the influent before the laminar flow process.

Three 1,000 GPM Horizontal Plate Clarifiers, stainless steel construction during installation at a plastics production plant

100 GPM Horizontal Plate Clarifier for oil/water separation at a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant
Monroe Parallel Plate Horizontal Clarifiers vs. Typical Separators
In the Monroe Parallel Plate Horizontal Clarifier separated particles are required to move only a few inches before reaching an uninterrupted and protected free fall or rise to collection areas. Efficiency is increased and build-up of collected particles is prevented.
In typical separators long laminar sections require particles to travel as much as 10 feet before free fall or rise to collection areas, often causing clogging and re-entrainment with other fluid flow currents, reducing separation efficiency.
Laminar Flow Principle for Inclined Plate Clarifiers
The unique design of the Monroe Parallel Plate Horizontal Clarifier creates laminar flow conditions and allows gravitational forces to separate the lighter and heavier elements from the fluid.
Normally, industrial laminar flow separation requires settling areas beyond practical space availability in typical manufacturing plants.
Monroe’s design engineers, however, have eliminated this problem through the unique capabilities of the Parallel Plate Horizontal Clarifier.
Sludge Removal Designs
Materials of Construction and Optional Components
- Horizontal Plate Clarifier rental unit
- HC Clarifier w/ oil skimmer
- Screw conveyor design
- Polypropylene Horizontal Clarifier
- Clarifier w/ drag conveyor
- Cooling tower blowdown clarifier
- Turnkey system w/ filter press
- Truck wash clarifier
- Truck mounted clarifier
- Shop assembled plate clarifier
Recent Projects
Horizontal Clarifier Applications
Resources & Literature
Recent Case Studies
Water | Horizontal Plate Clarifiers Treat Power Plant Stormwater
A coal fired power plant needed an upgraded stormwater treatment system to properly deal with high levels of coal ash (from coal pile run-off), solids, and oil prior to discharge.
Water | Horizontal Plate Clarifier Turnkey System
Clarifier/Sludge Handling Package for Metal Forming & Stamping Plant to remove solids, metals, and oils from e-coating operation wastewater.