Industrial Wastewater Treatment: 1,533 GPM Vertical Clarifier 304 SS to treat metal finishing wastewater at a steel plant.

Water and Wastewater Treatment Clarifiers and Separators

Does your plant need to treat a contaminated liquid stream?

  • Suspended (TSS) & dissolved (TDS) solids

  • Metals precipitation & reduction

  • Oil/FOG separation & recovery

  • Ammonia & VOC stripping

  • Mobile water treatment & rentals

Monroe Environmental designs and builds a broad range of water and wastewater treatment systems and equipment for eliminating and minimizing a wide spectrum of pollutants from virtually all types of water and wastewater sources and applications.

Have technical questions about water and wastewater treatment systems?

Monroe’s Water & Wastewater Treatment Systems & Equipment

Circular Clarifiers & Thickeners

Installation of Vertical Clarifier for disc filter backwash with chemical mix tanks, access platform, ladder, and support structure.

Lamella Plate Vertical Clarifiers

75 GPM Horizontal Plate Clarifier for chemical precipitation of phosphorus from a cheese production process.

Horizontal Plate Clarifiers

Mobile water treatment: X-Flo Mobile Clarifiers separate and remove settle-able solids as well as floating oils at the same time.

X-Flo Mobile Clarifiers

Monroe Belt-Type Oil Skimmer reclaiming condensed grease from venturi scrubber tank

Oil Recovery Units

The rebuilding and modification of two Air Strippers for a municipal plant.

Air Strippers

2,500 GPM API Oil/Water Separator to separate oils and solids from stormwater and wastewater generated at an oil refinery.

API Oil/Water Separators

Water and Wastewater Treatment Applications & Process Experience

Monroe Environmental has extensive experience with a wide variety of applications and processes for water and wastewater treatment. Click on a pollutant or process below to learn more about our approach to treating these contaminants.

Suspended (TSS) & Dissolved Solids (TDS)

Suspended & dissolved solids removal is required for nearly every water treatment application across every industry. Many physical and chemical characteristics as specific gravity, rise/settling rates, particle size, and chemical composition must be evaluated in order to select the correct technology for solids reduction.

Chemical treatment is a commonly used in conjunction with clarification, separation, and filtration to enhance solids removal. It is often required to precipitate dissolved solids and/or form floc that will more readily settle within a given liquid stream.

Monroe Environmental specializes in gravity separation of solids from liquid streams and offers a variety of clarification and separation technologies such as:

Contact a Monroe Applications Engineer to get assistance with selecting the correct technology for your application.

Metals Precipitation

Metals are commonly found in wastewater streams and can be removed through clarification, separation, and/or filtration. Metals that are dissolved in wastewater can often be brought out of solution and precipitated through pH adjustment. Additional chemicals such as coagulants and flocculants can then be used to enhance these removal processes.

Monroe Environmental has supplied countless metals removal systems across a variety of industries using the following technologies:

Oil Separation & Recovery; FOG Reduction

Oil separation is a critical wastewater treatment step required in many applications and industries. The physical and chemical properties of the oil should be carefully evaluated in order to correctly apply the various treatment technologies that exist. FOG refers to “fats, oils, and grease” and is a common designation and regulatory target in the food industry.

Recovered oil often has residual value if it can be re‑used or re‑purposed in a secondary market. Therefore, “separation for waste” versus “separation for recovery” treatment objectives are evaluated according to different cost/benefit principles.

In some cases, oil separation can be accomplished simultaneously with solids settling, however this is not always the case.

Monroe Environmental technologies for oil separation, skimming, and recovery include:

Ammonia & VOC Stripping

Ammonia (and nitrogen) regulations for water have become much more stringent in recent years. Ammonia that is dissolved in water can be removed under the correct process conditions at various stages the treatment process.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) such as TCE, DCE, BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylene, xylene), and others are commonly found in groundwater, industrial wastewater, and other contaminated liquid streams.

Monroe Environmental utilizes the following for ammonia and VOC reduction:

Mobile Water Treatment

Mobile Water Treatment is required in specific industries such as fracking and pipe testing, but is also extremely beneficial during emergency events, scheduled maintenance shutdowns, and bypass operations.

Monroe Environmental offers mobile clarifiers and separators for these applications and any others where permanent installation is not feasible or desired. Our systems include:

The X-Flo Mobile Clarifier a highly optimized gravity separator which combines solids settling, oil separation, and sludge handling in a single, convenient mobile tank. Learn More

Vertical Plate Clarifier for an insulation manufacturer; with three pretreatment mixing tanks to clarify process water at specialty insulation manufacturing plant. The system included an integral sludge thickener and was rated for 750 GPM.

750 GPM Vertical Plate Clarifier with Thickener

66 GPM Deck Wash Clarifier for offshore drilling rigs solids, oils, and wastewater collection.

Low profile Horizontal Clarifier–Oil/Water Separator for offshore drilling rig deck wash solids/oil clarification.

Value-Added Engineering, On-Site, and Support Services

Monroe also offers a variety of engineering, assessment, evaluation, and design services to help engineers, operators, and plant personnel get the most out of their water and wastewater treatment systems.

  • Clarifier/Separator evaluations
  • API Separator evaluations
  • Settling test/jar testing
  • Treatability studies

Water and wastewater 90 ft. Riser Pipe Clarifier for secondary, biological, or flocculated solids which are more fluidized and have lower densities than primary wastewater and heavy industrial sludge.

Inspection of a 90 ft. Riser Pipe Circular Clarifier

Industries Served

Pilot Horizontal Clarifier used on a rental basis to determine the chemical dosing requirements and settling characteristics of suspended and dissolved metals in an industrial wastewater stream.

Rental, Pilot, and Testing Programs

Resources & Literature

Recent Case Studies

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Monroe Environmental is registered ISO 9001 and 14001

Monroe ISO Quality Certifications