Recent Projects – Air and Water
Here is a look at some of Monroe Environmental’s recent projects.
- All
- Acid & Alkaline Gasses & Fumes
- Air Pollution Control Recent Projects
- Ammonia & VOC Stripping
- Condensables, Aerosols, & Opacity
- Dry & Wet Dust Collection
- Metals Precipitation & Reduction
- Mobile Water Treatment & Rentals
- Oil/Mist Collection
- Oil/Water Separation
- Particulate Matter - PM 10/2.5
- Pollution Equipment Rebuilds & Retrofits
- Suspended (TSS) & Dissolved (TDS) Solids
- VOCs, Odor, & Fume Control
- Water and Wastewater Treatment Recent Projects

SO2 Fume Scrubber for Gold Mine
Efficient air pollution control fume scrubber to remove sulfur dioxide (SO₂) fumes generated during gold mining extraction and refining process.

Circular Thickener for Backwash Water Treatment
Pre-assembled 12-foot Circular Thickener to efficiently separate and concentrate solids from wastewater streams for steel rolling mill.

Fume Scrubber Vents HCl Storage Tank
Packed Bed Scrubbers can be a sustainable solution for venting storage tanks of some pollutants. We are able to safeguard the system for high wind or cold areas.

Multi-Stage Scrubbing System for Chemical Manufacturing Facility
Multi-Stage Scrubber to treat HBr, HCl, and HF gas downstream of a thermal oxidizer at a specialty chemical manufacturing facility.

Air Stripper + Scrubber Skid Rental for Ammonia Removal
An anti-freeze (glycol) recycling center requires ammonia removal as part of its recycling process. This was the perfect application to deploy Monroe’s rental Pilot Ammonia Air Stripper Skid.

120 ft. Discharge Stack Turnkey Installation
An auto parts manufacturer was having opacity issues from their existing scrubber exhausting two large forges. Monroe was selected to design and supply a new 120 ft. stack, ductwork, booster fan, and turnkey installation.

Fiber Bed Mist Collectors Control Emissions from Cast Silicone
An engineering firm contacted Monroe Environmental to help control dense, white, submicron smoke from ovens curing cast silicone for medical parts. Monroe engineers selected a very high efficiency filter that could handle the condensing liquids -- Monroe Fiber Bed Mist Collectors.

Compact CFBB Mist Collectors for Electric Vehicle Parts Machining
An advanced machine tool company turned to Monroe to supply high efficiency mist collectors to exhaust machining centers at an electric vehicle manufacturing plant.

Compact CMC Mist Collectors for Electric Vehicle Parts Washing
Monroe Environmental supplied high efficiency mist collectors to exhaust parts washers at an electric vehicle manufacturing plant.

Rental Air Stripper Removes Ammonia from Landfill Leachate
A landfill contacted Monroe Environmental regarding a need to remove ammonia from leachate prior to discharge to the local POTW. Monroe reviewed the leachate composition and determined that air stripping was a viable treatment.

Venturi Scrubber Removes PM from Dryer at Fertilizer Plant
A fertilizer manufacturing plant was dealing with particulate matter excursions in their dryer exhaust. Their existing baghouse filters were shredding and splitting due to the abrasive nature of the dust. The frequent downtime for maintenance led the company to seek a solution from Monroe Environmental.

Scrubber Rebuild Achieves Emission Compliance for Chrome Plating Plant
Scrubber Rebuild Achieves Emission Compliance for Chrome Plating Plant
A chrome plating company needed to improve their wet scrubber’s ability to remove acid fumes and metal particulate from an exhaust stream produced by chrome plating tanks. Monroe engineers recommended modifications and adjustments to maximize the performance of the scrubbing system.

X-Flo Mobile Clarifier™ Treats Power Plant Wash Down Water
A large coal fired power plant needed high-flow water treatment during a maintenance shutdown to separate solids from wash down water. The water had been used to clean flue gas air heaters that foul with fly ash during operation.

Drag Tank for Mill Scale Separation
A new steel tube mill required a mill scale separator to capture and remove solids from mill water. Monroe was selected due to our experience with heavy-duty conveyors, robust tank designs, and custom engineering capabilities.

X-Flo Mobile Clarifier™ Permanent Solution for Fracking Water Treatment
After operating for just a few days, it was clear to the site’s operators that the Monroe X-Flo Clarifier™ was the right solution for their fracking water treatment operations. The rental pilot became the permanent solution.

Dual Throat Venturi Scrubber for Beverage Producer
A major beverage manufacturer needed to upgrade their exhaust system. A Monroe Dual Throat Venturi Scrubber was selected because of its ability to handle the sticky, water soluble particulate.

Mobile Clarifier to Reduce TSS
A large energy utility needed to conduct pressurized testing of new gas pipeline. A Monroe X-Flo Mobile Clarifier™ provided continuous treatment of the hydrotest water, and separated the TSS and clarified the water prior to disposal.

Primary Clarifiers for Snack Production Plant
Monroe worked with consulting engineers to provide two 30 ft. Primary Circular Clarifiers capable of processing over 1.25 million gallons per day for a snack food producer.

Monroe Packed Tower Scrubber Treats Leachate H2S Fumes
An industrial waste treater needed a scrubbing system to absorb H2S fumes and other odors from their wastewater treatment process.

Vertical Plate Clarifier Removes Metals and TSS in PFAS Treatment Process
A company that specializes in recycling and disposal of industrial wastewater needed an effective pretreatment solution as part of their PFAS filtration system. The Monroe Vertical Plate Clarifier was selected to precipitate and settle the solids and metals in order to extend the life of the filters.

Venturi Scrubber for Plastic Extrusion Line
Monroe’s Dual Throat Scrubber was selected to treat the exhaust air from plastic extrusion production lines because of its ability to handle the wet, sticky, tacky, and oily particulate.

Fume Scrubber Rebuild for Medical Device Manufacturer
See how this under-performing (non-Monroe) scrubbing system was rebuilt into a satisfactory, efficient scrubber through new parts, instrumentation, repairs, and service.

Quench Tower and SO2 Scrubber for ReBoiler Expansion
A chemical plant that produces coal tar pitch was expanding operations and needed to control flue gas emissions from a new boiler.

X-Flo Mobile Clarifier™ for Frac Water Treatment
Monroe's X-Flo Mobile Clarifiers have a higher throughput and the ability to separate and remove settle-able solids as well as floating oils at the same time.

Multi-Stage Oil Mist Collector Exhausts Steel Rolling Mill
New rolling mills at a prominent steel production plant were being installed. The plant needed to meet stringent emission limits for both condensable and filterable particulate due to recent regulatory changes.

Solids Contact Clarifier for Midstream Oil & Gas Facility
Solids Contact Clarifier for river water treatment for a major US midstream oil & gas production facility.

Air Stripper Removes Ammonia from Ethylene Glycol
Monroe's Air Stripping system was needed to increase the purity of recycled ethylene glycol by removing excessive ammonia (NH3) for an industrial solvents facility.

High Torque Thickener Clarifier for Gypsum Sludge
Monroe Circular Thickener for wastewater treatment at a gypsum plant.

Packed Tower Scrubber for Syngas Conversion
Wet scrubber system to remove H2S from syngas using an amine scavenger scrubbing liquor for bio refinery fuel conversion process

Carbon Adsorber for Automotive Battery Manufacturer
Ozone and other organic compounds harmful to workers needed to be extracted from a manufacturing clean room.

Venturi Scrubber Captures Fumes & PM from Aluminum Die Casting
An aluminum parts manufacturer needed to upgrade their air pollution control system to more effectively capture and remove lubricant mist, particulate, and fumes.

API Separator for Refinery Wastewater
A custom Monroe API Oil Water Separator provides primary oil/water and solids separation prior to downstream biological treatment for a gulf coast refinery.

Monroe Dust Collectors Target Crystalline Silica for New OSHA Rule
A brick and terra cotta manufacturing facility needed to meet new Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations for employee exposure to crystalline silica dust.

Clarifier Rebuild with X-Flo Bypass: 100% Uptime
A truck assembly plant needed to rebuild their 40 ft. clarifier, and downtime was not an option. The complete, turnkey solution included a circular clarifier rebuild and rental of an X-Flo Mobile Clarifier™ to bypass the existing clarifier.

Wet Scrubber Treats Nitric Acid from Dryer at Ceramics Plant
Monroe Environmental Packed Tower wet scrubbing system to capture and neutralize hot, nitric acid emissions from a production dryer at a ceramics manufacturing company.

Submicron Mist Elimination for Steel Grinding and Finishing
Multi-Stage Mist Collector for source capture and filtration of oil and submicron mist from stainless steel grinding stations and oil filter pit

Plate Clarifiers Provide Water Re-Use for Resins Plant
Monroe Horizontal Plate Clarifier to minimize utility costs and conserve water for a major vinyls production plant.

Wet Scrubber Treats HCl & Cl2 from RTO
A Monroe Wet Scrubber system captures and neutralizes the toxic gasses at a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant.

Lamella Plate Clarifier for Metal Hydroxide Reduction
Monroe Lamella Plate Vertical Clarifier for the reduction of cobalt hydroxides from a process water stream at a petrochemical plant.

Rental API Oil/Water Separator for Refinery Expansion
Monroe Environmental’s rental API Oil/Water Separator was selected by a Texas refinery for 500-600 gallons per minute (GPM) wastewater treatment.

Amine Scrubber Provides Fume Control
Packed Tower Scrubber for a gulf coast chemical manufacturing plant to control odorous fumes from chemical storage tanks.

Wet Scrubber Purifies Nitrogen Gas Stream
Monroe Environmental provided an air pollution control solution to purify a nitrogen gas stream for a gulf coast chemical manufacturing plant.

Secondary Clarifier for Polymer Plant
A secondary clarifier required design modifications incorporating the latest best practices for clarification & separation of secondary/activated sludge.

Steel Coil Process Equipment & Wastewater Treatment System
Redesign, retrofit, & installation of a multi-million dollar steel coil cleaning line upgrade and wastewater treatment at a galvanizing plant.

H2S Scrubber
Packed Tower Scrubber for odor control at a wastewater treatment plant to remove 98% of H2S fumes.

Corrugated Plate Interceptor (CPI) Separators
Corrugated Plate Interceptor (CPI) Separators for oil/water separation of storm water runoff at an automotive assembly plant.

Wet Scrubber Treats Dryer Exhaust
Monroe Multi-Stage Scrubbing System to remove particulate from a food dryer prior to VOC destruction with a regenerative thermal oxidizer.

Packed Tower Wet Scrubber – SO2 Removal
10,000 ACFM Monroe Packed Tower Wet Scrubber to absorb and neutralize SO2 from biosolids incineration exhaust.

Wet Dust Collector for Explosive Dust
Dual Throat Venturi Wet Scrubber for explosive dust collection for a plastic manufacturing process.

Dust Collectors for Grinding Exhaust
Cartridge Dust Collectors for dust filtration from grinding operation at an automotive manufacturing facility.

Lamella Plate Vertical Clarifier
Two Lamella Plate Vertical Clarifiers were solution for an automotive plant's wastewater treatment system.

Horizontal Clarifier with Filter Press
Wastewater treatment system to remove solids, metals, and oils from e-coating operation wastewater.

Circular Clarifier Rebuild – Primary Treatment
100 ft. diameter Primary Circular Clarifier rebuild for a chemical plant's wastewater treatment system.

Horizontal Plate Clarifier for Oil/Water Separation
Monroe Horizontal Plate Clarifier for oil/water separation at a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant.

Multi-Stage Scrubbing System – H2S & VOCs
Multi-Stage Scrubbing System to remove H2S and VOCs from rubber vulcanizing production exhaust. The system is rated for 3,000 ACFM.