Wet Scrubber Treats HCl & Cl2 from RTO
A pharmaceutical manufacturing plant was installing a new Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) to control VOC emissions from its production processes. Hydrogen chloride (HCl) and chlorine gas (Cl2) were produced as a result of combustion and Monroe Environmental was contracted to provide a Wet Scrubber system to capture and neutralize the toxic gasses.
The gas stream was pre-treated by evaporative quenching to achieve an inlet temperature of 180°F prior to entering the Monroe Scrubber.
Wet Scrubber Scope of Supply
- Packed Tower Scrubber, FRP construction
- Random packing media, glass filled polypropylene construction
- Liquid reservoir with level controls and water make-up
- Redundant re-circulation pump assemblies, polypropylene construction
- Chemical feed pumps
- Mist eliminator
- Exhaust stack, FRP construction
- pH and ORP controls
- Piping, valves, and instrumentation
- NEMA 3R junction box
The scrubber tower and pump assemblies were mounted on a common skid for ease of installation. The system was rated for 12,500 ACFM and +99% removal efficiency.