Rental Air Stripper Removes Ammonia from Landfill Leachate

A consultant for a landfill contacted Monroe Environmental regarding a need to remove ammonia from leachate prior to discharge to the local POTW. Monroe reviewed the leachate composition and determined that air stripping was a viable treatment. The site was interested in renting one of Monroe’s Air Stripper pilot systems to collect trial data about operating parameters and life cycle costs before investing at full scale.

In the trial, ammonia removal efficiencies of over 97% were achieved (99%+ could have been achieved by heating the inlet air, however, in this case the increased efficiency was not required). The site was able to gain valuable information regarding chemical usage, maintenance, and operational variances due to temperature, air/water ratio, and other parameters that would affect full scale design.

Air Stripper Scope of Supply

  • Air Stripping Tower with packing media and mist eliminator
  • ID Fan
  • Exhaust stack
  • Interconnecting ductwork
  • Treated water reservoir with level-controlled blowdown pump
  • Control panel

Monroe provided on-site startup assistance to ensure the unit was installed and operating properly. We also provided regular technical support throughout the duration of the trial.

The results? The end user is moving forward with a full-scale system due to the success of the pilot trial. The customer sent the following compliment:

“All in all things went very well and we got great data to help make a decision…I’ll need to get with you soon about discussion of full scale system….Thanks for all the help, this ranks as one of my favorite projects.”

That’s great – it was one of ours too!