Fiber Bed Mist Collectors Control Emissions from Medical Device Curing Ovens
An engineering firm contacted Monroe Environmental to help control dense, white, submicron smoke from ovens curing cast silicone for a medical parts manufacturer. Another company had supplied a baghouse but it continuously blinded over due to the monomers condensing into a liquid at cooler temperatures. The site had an air permit that required a coalescing filter with “no visible emissions” — a tough task!
Monroe engineers selected a very high efficiency filter that could handle the condensing liquids — candle fiber bed filters — as the best solution to the problem. Monroe proposed a complete system for (2) Fiber Bed Mist Collectors that included:
- Multi-stage mist collectors with coalescing screens, fiber bed candles, and DOP final filters
- Fans with VFDs and control panels
- Ductwork and exhaust stacks
- Sump pump systems
The systems were successfully installed and have been filtering and recovering oils/liquids from the oven exhaust, while meeting opacity and PM requirements. Each unit was rated for 6,000 ACFM.