Drag Tank for Mill Scale Separation

A new steel tube mill required a scale separator to capture and remove solids from mill water. The unit required a drag conveyor for scale collection and also needed the capability to remove floating oil.

Monroe was selected due to our experience with heavy-duty conveyors, robust tank designs, and custom engineering capabilities. Monroe provided the separator with chain and flight solids conveyor, cover, and rope-type oil skimmer. The system was designed to meet required influent and effluent elevations for the plant’s process.

Scope of Supply:

  • Coated steel separator tank with 304SS overflow weir
  • Bolted aluminum tank cover
  • Nozzle connections for heat exchanger liquid recycle
  • Steel chain and flight drag conveyor with ramp and discharge chute
  • Tube skimmer with decant tank for oil removal
  • Motor controls in NEMA 4 enclosure

The system was rated for 660 GPM. According to the customer, the unit “is working fantastically!”.