Rental Units, Pilot, and Testing Programs
Equipment to rent or pilot to determine its suitability before you invest in a full scale system
Rental Units, Pilot, and Testing Programs
Equipment to rent or pilot to determine its suitability before you invest in a full scale system
Application or technical questions?
Monroe Environmental Pilot Systems are a cost-effective option for determining if a particular technology is a suitable solution for your plant’s specific application. This greatly reduces the risk of a potential capital investment in environmental technology. You can truly “know before you buy” a full scale system. Contact a Monroe Environmental Applications Engineer to discuss a pilot system for your plant.
Rental and Pilot Systems
Monroe Environmental Rental and Pilot Systems are an excellent option for testing a technology’s performance capability and suitability for a particular application. This is a cost-effective way to evaluate an environmental solution before making a capital investment in a full scale system. Monroe has several Pilot Systems available for rent as well as the support services required to install, operate, and evaluate the system’s performance.

Upon completion of a Pilot System test, Monroe Environmental can evaluate and analyze the system’s performance and present a written report summarizing the results and recommendations in order to properly scale up for a full system. We work with your operators, engineers, and maintenance personnel to design a true solution that will meet the needs of your plant and application.
Please contact a Monroe Environmental Applications Engineer to learn more about our pilot system capabilities.
Systems Available for Rent: Air Pollution Control

Packed Tower Scrubbers
This pilot scrubber unit is nominally rated for 1,000 CFM and includes the following items:
- 304 stainless steel tower construction with 8 ft. packing section
- Inlet quench stage with thermocouple
- Floor mounted FRP fan with VFD
- Recirculation pump with reservoir level controls
- pH and conductivity probes with controller/analyzer
- Chemical feed pump
- Differential pressure gauges
- Optional skid mount

Venturi Scrubbers
This pilot scrubber unit is nominally rated for 1,000 CFM @ 50″ W.C. static pressure and includes the following items:
- Mild steel construction
- Mist eliminator 304 stainless steel
- Floor mounted steel fan with sound attenuator
- Recirculation pump
- Reservoir level switch
- Adjustable venturi throat
- NEMA 4 control panel
- Differential pressure gauge

Cartridge Dust Collectors
This pilot dust collector unit is nominally rated for 1,000 CFM and includes the following items:
- Mild steel construction (epoxy coated exterior)
- High efficiency polyester based cartridges (99.7% efficient @ 0.5 micron particulate)
- 95% DOP (HEPA-type) final filter (95% @ 0.3 micron particulate)
- Top mounted direct drive fan
- Differential pressure gauges
- Air regulator and reverse pulse compressed air cleaning
- Control panel
- Dust collection drum

Fiber Bed Mist Collectors
This pilot mist collector unit is nominally rated for 1,000 CFM and includes the following items:
- Mild steel construction (epoxy coated exterior)
- Coalescing screen filter
- Fiber bed candle filter element
- Floor mounted fan unit
- Differential pressure gauges

Compact Mist Collectors
These pilot mist collectors are offered with either spiral tube separators or multi-stage filter elements depending on your application requirements and maintenance capabilities. The unit is rated for 500 – 1,200 CFM and includes the following items:
- Mild steel construction (epoxy coated exterior)
- Top mounted fan assembly
- Motor starter and disconnect
- Differential pressure gauges
Systems Available for Rent: Water & Wastewater Treatment

X-Flo Mobile Clarifiers™
This pilot clarifier is designed for mobile treatment, fracking sites, and other temporary applications where more flexible wastewater treatment is required. The unit can process up to 1,000 GPM depending on the application and includes the following items:
- Epoxy coated mild steel tank construction
- 304 stainless steel X-Flo cartridge with separator plates sloped at 60°
- Oil retention baffle with adjustable pipe skimmer for floating oil/scum removal
- Adjustable v-notch effluent weir
- Optional screw auger for sludge collection

Lamella Plate Vertical Clarifiers
This pilot clarifier is nominally rated for 50 GPM (can be higher depending on application) and includes the following items:
- 304 stainless steel construction
- Separator plates sloped at 55°
- 200 sq. feet effective settling area
- Flash and flocculation tanks with VFD controlled mixers
- Integral thickening tank with sludge sample ports

Horizontal Plate Clarifiers
Monroe has multiple pilot clarifiers ranging from 10 to 50 GPM and includes the following items:
- 304 stainless steel or mild steel construction
- HDPE or 304 stainless separator plates sloped at 60°
- Flash and flocculation tanks with VFD controlled mixers
- Adjustable pipe skimmer for surface oil/scum collection
- Adjustable v-notch effluent weir
- Pyramid hopper sludge collection tanks with sample ports

Plate Settler & Sludge Collector
This pilot unit allows your plant to test the Monroe Plate Settler technology and the hoseless Monroe Sludge Collector in one unit. It is nominally rated for 50 GPM and includes the following items:
- 304 stainless steel construction
- Separator plates sloped at 55°
- 50 GPM influent pump
- Flow distribution influent tank
- Monroe Sludge Collector with drive
- Control panel with HMI
Learn more about Plate Settlers and Sludge Collectors

Air Strippers
This pilot Air Stripper is rated for 1,500 CFM and up to 99.9% efficiency depending on the application. It includes the following items:
- Air Stripping Tower with packing media and mist eliminator
- ID Fan
- Exhaust stack
- Interconnecting ductwork
- Treated water reservoir with level-controlled blowdown pump
- Control panel