Monroe Environmental Charitable Contributions Benefit MCOP
Dated January 10, 2019
Monroe, MI – Wear Jeans Casual Fridays and charitable giving: Monroe County Opportunity Program (MCOP) was the chosen charity for Monroe’s Casual Fridays quarterly charitable contributions. Monroe Environmental Human Resources Manager Mike Knabusch presented a $430 check to MCOP Executive Director Stephanie Zorn-Kasprzak.
MCOP provides services to low-income individuals and families in Monroe County. They work to meet the needs of our low-income community by administering millions of dollars of federal, state, local, and private funds to achieve their mission to reduce poverty, improve the quality of life, and promote self-sufficiency through community action.
Casual Fridays is a program that enables Monroe Environmental employees to help others in the community. Every Friday Monroe Environmental employees dress casual and make a donation for a good cause.