Monroe Environmental Charitable Contributions Benefit Monroe Humane Society
Dated April 30, 2018
Monroe, MI – Casual Fridays charitable contributions from Monroe Environmental employees went to the Monroe Humane Society for first quarter 2018. Monroe employees raised enough money to sponsor 10 cat or dog kennels with feeding and care for the whole year. Monroe Environmental President Gary Pashaian recently presented a check for $500 to Humane Society Executive Director, Jason Blanks.
Monroe also recently donated a full set of golf clubs with bag and 24 balls for the Humane Society Auction. The annual event held at LaRoy Hall raises money to help cover operating expenses and the care of the animals.
Casual Fridays is a program that enables Monroe Environmental employees to help others in the community. Every Friday Monroe Environmental employees dress casual and make a donation for a good cause. Second quarter contributions will go to the Monroe County Opportunity Program (MCOP).