Automotive and Aerospace industries are two of the most regulated industries in the US. Many manufacturers in these industries are faced with the challenge of complying with a multitude of strict environmental regulations while still being competitive.
Treating liquid waste from these industries poses a set of unique challenges. Producing parts out of a variety of metals and composite materials generates high levels of effluents in waste, rinse, and process waters. Oily wastes and high metal content in the wastewater must be treated correctly before it can be recycled or disposed.
As air pollution control and water treatment experts, we have many successful installations that have continued to perform well for decades. We have the knowledge and the proven expertise to provide cost-effective solutions for a range of applications in the Automotive, Aerospace, and Machining/Automation industries.
Monroe Can Help
For over 50 years Monroe has designed and manufactured a variety of Air Pollution Control and Water & Wastewater Treatment systems for the Automotive, Aerospace, Machining, and Automation industries. Our very first project was developing a solution for a difficult oil mist collection problem at an automotive plant.
Automotive, Aerospace, and Machining Industries Experience: Representative Projects and Systems
Cartridge Dust Collectors for dust filtration from grinding operation at an automotive manufacturing facility. Each unit is rated for 1,200 ACFM and features automatic reverse pulse cartridge cleaning and final HEPA filter to meet stringent emission limit. Read More
Horizontal Plate Clarifier for wastewater treatment system to remove solids, metals, and oils from e-coating operation wastewater. Monroe supplied turnkey installation of the system, which was rated for 50 GPM. Read More
Spiral Tube Mist Collector exhausting multiple machining booths at an automotive engine manufacturing plant. Central systems exhausting multiple booths have lower life-cycle costs versus individual collectors.
One of two Lamella Plate Vertical Clarifiers with integral sludge thickeners for an automotive assembly plant’s wastewater treatment system. The clarifiers were 304SS construction and rated for 500 GPM each. Read More
Clarifier Rebuild with X-Flo Bypass: 100% Uptime — A truck assembly plant needed a rebuild for their 40 ft. clarifier, and downtime was not an option. Monroe proposed the rental of an X-Flo Mobile Clarifier™ to bypass the Clarifier while the unit was being rebuilt. Read More
4,500 CFM Carbon Adsorber for an automotive battery manufacturer’s VOC abatement system to exhaust ozone and other organic compounds harmful to workers from a manufacturing clean room. Read More
25,000 CFM Venturi Scrubber for aluminum parts manufacturer to upgrade their air pollution control system. The scrubber effectively captures and removes lubricant mist, particulate, and fumes from their die casting process. Read More

Assembly of 37 Spiral Tube Oil Mist Collectors for automotive engine and transmission machining operation. Monroe Mist Collectors outperform all other collectors and are currently operating at plants all around the world.
12,000 CFM Cartridge MQL Collector with integral fan and cartridge pulse controls at an automotive plant.
2,500 ACFM Packed Bed Scrubber with fan and controls to remove H2S fumes from acid cracking tanks at an axle manufacturing plant. Scrubber is constructed from FRP and has been operating for nearly 30 years.
Two CPI Separators for stormwater oil/water separation were custom designed to fit perfectly onto the existing footpads and match up to existing influent, effluent, and sludge piping, saving the customer significant time and money. Read More

Clarifier Rebuild of a competitor’s inclined plate type clarifier to improve performance, eliminate bypass, and achieve compliance for heavy metals (zinc) discharge. Scope included new internal baffles, separator plates, gaskets, and launders. Monroe provided equipment, demo, and installation turnkey.