Packed Tower and Quench Tower for boiler expansion
Packed Tower Scrubber ready for shipping
SO2 Wet Scrubber
Quench Tower with SO2 scrubbing system to control flue gas emissions and remove SO2 from from flu gas emissions

Quench Tower and SO2 Scrubber for ReBoiler Expansion

A chemical plant that produces coal tar pitch was expanding operations and needed to control emissions from a thermal oxidizer as part of a naphthalene reboiler project. Monroe Environmental was called upon to provide an Wet Scrubber with high temperature Quench Tower to remove SO2 from the combustion exhaust.

Scrubbing System Scope of Supply

  • High temperature evaporative Quench Tower, designed to ASME Section VIII pressure vessel code
  • Tower insulation and cladding overlay
  • Spray nozzles, control valves, and liquid piping
  • FRP Packed Tower Scrubber, designed and built to ASME RTP-1 standard
  • High efficiency packing media
  • Liquid reservoir with controls and water make up
  • Mist eliminator
  • Redundant recirculation pumps and piping
  • Chemical feed pumps
  • pH and conductivity controls
  • Valves, transmitters, and instrumentation rated for Class 1 Div. 2 location
  • NEMA 4X junction box

The system was designed to treat 27,000 ACFM at 800°F and achieve +99% SO2 removal efficiency.